Frequently Asked Questions About Bring itt

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers? We have you covered! Here we have answered some of the most important questions about Bring itt for you.

About the Platform

1. What is Bring itt?

Bring itt is a platform designed to connect buyers and travellers for secure and easy international transactions. Bring itt does not sell any product neither are we tour guide, we are simply a platform that connects people who want to shop and travel overseas. This helps buyers reduce their shipping cost and travellers can earn from their free luggage space.

2. Who is a buyer?

A buyer is a person who wants to order something from abroad. As a buyer you can also send a parcel to another country to your loved ones.

3. Who is a traveller?

Traveller is a person travelling to a certain location domestically or internationally. As a traveller you should have some free luggage space through which you can earn on our platform.

4. How Bring itt work?

Bring itt is a fairly simple platform. Here, a buyer creates a buy request, describing the type of product they want and when. To respond to the request a traveller must be travelling on that route and have a travel plan uploaded on the app. To confirm the transaction, the buyer must transfer the payment to Bring itt first which we will release to the traveller once they have successfully delivered the parcel.

5. Is Bring itt safe to use?

Bring itt ensures the safety of your parcels and payments for a secure experience with us. Our team is dedicated to making your experience not only convenient but entirely safe.

6. Is Bring itt an international courier service like other shipping services?

No, Bring itt does not deliver parcels like courier services. Instead, we have on-boarded travellers who connect with the buyers and take care of their international deliveries.

7. How do I protect myself on this platform?

Bring itt moderates the platform to cater to genuine users. If your account has been reported, Bring itt will investigate the complaints and take action. This could result in a user being banned from the Bring itt platform permanently. Read more in our Community Guidelines/Terms of use.

Buyer FAQs

1. Can I shop on amazon using Bring itt?

Yes, you can shop from all the international brands through Bring itt. Be it Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Sephora, Huda Beauty, H&M, Walmart, or any other, you name it and you’ll have it. All you have to do is browse the website you want to buy from, create a buy request on our platform, connect with a traveller and they’ll take care of the rest.

2. As a buyer can I shop in-store with Bring itt?

Yes, you can shop from any international store with Bring itt. Make sure to provide the right product details and store address, and reward the traveller fairly.

3. Can the traveller pick up my parcel from a location and deliver it to me?

Yes, travellers can pick up your parcel from the given location and deliver it to a particular destination. For that you’ll have to create a pickup request on our app.

4. Can my request get ignored?

Users are notified when another user is available against their buy request/ travel plan. This helps users to connect with relevant people to transact with.

5. What are the order statuses?

Pending - when your request has not been responded it stays in pending section

Responded - when a traveller responds to your request it moves to responded section

Confirmed - when you confirm a request it moves to the confirmed section

Expired - when you do not get a response within the required by date your request gets expired

6. Who do I pay?

Currently, you’ll be paying to the traveller who will be managing your parcels and is responsible for the delivery.

7. Do I need to pay in advance?

Most travellers require some amount in advance to confirm the transaction and avoid loss. However, a few travellers may also be willing to bring your parcel without prepayment.

8. How to track my parcel?

You can ask your travellers for regular updates. They should be able to keep you informed throughout the process.

Traveller FAQs

1. How will I know if a buyer is available on my route?

Whenever a buyer creates a buy request on your route you’ll get a notification so you never miss a chance to earn.

2. What should I do if the buyer is unresponsive?

If the buyer is unresponsive for more than 24 hours at any stage in the transaction, then you can contact Bring itt support for help.

3. How do I ensure that the parcel is safe to deliver?

For the traveler’s safety, please inspect all parcels that you receive/pick up on behalf of the buyer. Make sure that no illegal products are being ordered and items match the description in the buy request.

4. Can I charge a different reward amount?

Yes, the traveler can respond to a buy request with a counteroffer of his own. If you see a reward amount that is other than what you wish to receive, you can simply put in your own offer.

5. How can I inform the buyer if there are any changes in the travel plan once the request has been confirmed?

First off, make sure you create your travel plan with the correct information. If for any valid reason there are some changes later, you must inform the buyer on whatsapp or call.

Our Charges

How much does Bring itt charge for its service?

Bring itt is a free to use platform so you do not have to pay us anything. As a buyer you pay directly to the traveller and the traveller receives the amount in full.


1. Who is responsible for parcel delivery?

When creating a travel plan we ask travellers whether they will be delivering the parcel or should the buyer pick them up. If the travellers agree to deliver the parcels they’ll be responsible for it. On the other hand, if the travellers want the buyers to pick up their parcels, then the buyers need to manage that.

2. Who bears the delivery charges?

If the travellers take the responsibility to deliver the parcel they will have to bear the delivery charges, but if they don’t, then the buyers should pay the delivery fees.

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